The following is not to be memorized or memorialized as the Pledge and Anthem are. It is merely the thoughts of a free-thinking and libertarian-minded individual living in the USA.
I am a citizen of the United States of America. I possess natural rights. These rights are assumed with every human life (or are given by the Creator according to belief). These rights are not granted to me by any government, piece of paper, or other human. These rights are, however, outlined and enumerated in the Bill of Rights in order to restrain the State from interfering with these rights. The Bill of Rights does not grant me these rights, but protects and states them.
The State does not have the authority, though it may have the power, to restrict what I do with my brain, body, genitalia, property, currency, or thought unless I seek to do or do harm to others. It is not the business of men I do not know to control my life unless in the defense others.
Nor is it the responsibility of the police to protect me. I am dependent upon myself for protection and reliant and cooperative with the justice system only for the prosecution of criminals. I am reliant upon myself for my needs, basic or advanced. I do not need the State to educate my children, feed me, keep me healthy, look out for my welfare, nor assist me. My personal preparation and ability or my voluntary community will carry me or aid me.
I am not a sovereign citizen, for I am a citizen of the United States of America, and will remain so until the State no longer respects me as an individual or my rights. However, I owe no allegiance to the State, nor my leaders, nor any patriotic symbol of the Nation. My only allegiance is to uphold, defend ,and respect the rights and liberty of myself and others. I will be tolerant and loving until others plan, wish, or do me or mine harm. It not my business, just as it is not the State's, what others do in their home.
The State ceases to be legitimate when it and its components seek the elimination of human rights via a monopoly of force. I will resist this force to my best ability. I will lend my hand to the Nation, not the State. The State serves us and should be monitored closely and restrained by the Nation.If the State has overgrown its bounds and is infringing upon the liberty of individuals, it should be replaced.
No Pledge or Alliance binds me to the State. I am not responsible nor beholden to it. My loyalty is bound only to its respect of my rights.
Rights are mine. The State cannot take them away, but it can suppress them. Paramount among these rights is that of free speech. Free speech enables the non-violent restraint of the State. Criticism, challenge, and reform are enabled by free speech.
Second of all is my right to bear arms. This right enables defense against those that wish harm and defense against the monopoly of force the State attempts to hold.
There are other rights that all citizens possess that deserve to be respected. And if the State does not not respect them as stated in the Constitution, the State should be, at minimum, be reformed, and at most, removed. This is not treasonous, nor un-patriotic (whatever that means anymore). It is exactly what happened in 1776, and is how this nation was born. It is American to the core to resist illegitimate authority. The original Patriots resisted overbearing and illegitimate authority, we should not hesitate either.