Saturday, March 30, 2013

Constitutional Patriots groups are apparently racist and quite dangerous

CNN article tells us extremists are on the rise

Southern Poverty Law Center's report on hate groups aka "patriot" groups

Mark Potok's report is full of incendiary adjectives like "furious", "explosive", and "hard-core". The author picks and chooses his wording, and the words of others, to paint a frightening picture of the Patriot movement. A picture that brings the KKK, the American Family Council (themselves a target of a potential mass shooter last year), Constitutionalist county sheriffs, libertarian politicians like Rand Paul, and the law-enforcement oriented Oath Keepers under the same broad umbrella. An umbrella that drips with drops of racism...according to Potok.

Our newest favorite liberal Statist...and he comes with a look of caring concern

The bigotry of some groups, like the Aryan Nation or the Ku Klux Klan, cannot be denied. They are disgusting groups, whose distorted view of the Constitution and patriotism, has nothing in common with the views of motivated libertarians or Patriots. Not only these groups see the world through a distorted view of the Constitution and Founder's intent, but they typically distort Christianity in their bigoted worldview also.

We're really still scared of these guys? They're playing ring around the rosies!

The more disturbing thing about this report, and the talk of others like Potok, is the gravitation towards labeling those with anti-government allegiances "terrorists". If the connotation of the patriot movement becomes that of "domestic terrorist" in the public's lexicon, then the US government has the gears rolling towards turning on its own people.

There have, of course, been several attacks by people claiming allegiance to the patriot movement (Timothy McVeigh being the most obvious example). However to characterize all Patriots as capable of committing mass murder is equivalent to charging all Muslims with the capability of committing jihad (something the liberals vehemently oppose, as do I).

In truth, the Patriot movement is dangerous to liberals and the State: it shows these Statists that there are still those who uphold personal liberty and that are willing to stand up for it if necessary. That's why the movement and the people within it must be discredited with smear jobs like this report. Scare the general public and work to change the connotation of a group negatively using language manipulation. Classic modern liberal tactics.

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