Despite the display of power and force shown by local, state, and federal agencies (including FBI, DHS, and the National Guard), the 19-yr old terrorist is still at large. There even exists the possibility he has escaped the parts of Boston currently under lockdown.
A military vehicle of the Boston police. Is this what America is coming to? Armored policemen in armored vehicles patrolling our streets? |
So, by Protectionist logic, the more that we the people are protected by the bureaucracy and police state the safer we will be. However, this is being shown to be false. While all these resources are being spent and the the police force in this country has been growing, these people have been plotting. Despite the existence of the onerous Patriot Act and the activities of the DHS and the NSA, these terrorists still were able to kill 4 and wound more than 150. The State has failed you and always will. They do not have your best interests at heart.
What can we learn from this? The government can only offer you limited protection, if any at all. The government was unable to intercept these seemingly independent operators. The government was unable to detect the devices, even though there were apparently warnings of this (since they already had bomb dogs and warnings out the day of the bombing). The government was unable to corral the rampage after their pictures were published, resulting in one LEO death and one LEO injured. The map below shows how these two brothers have traveled across Boston with that expensive police machine one step behind.
Picture from BBC |
In addition, there's been further craziness across the nation this week. Today is the anniversary of both the Murrah Building bombing and the siege of Waco. Although it seems the Boston attacks were not related to any Patriot movement (Chechnyans aren't normally defenders of the Constitution), there was an oddly-timed explosion at a fertilizer factory in Waco, TX. Yes, a fertilizer factory ,which makes the same ingredient that McVeigh used in the Murrah building bombing (a protest against the Waco siege). Very odd is what I say.
This has been an amazing week (and not in a good way). Two bombs that killed 3, a mysterious explosion that kills 15 (so far), two very sad and emotional anniversaries, and a continuing chase that has explosives littering the roads of Boston. Furthermore, because of some of those events, Boston is in a state of unparalleled state of martial law.
If were in that neighborhood, I would have a sign on my doors:
Anyone that comes through this door unannounced will be shot on site. Police please announce yourselves. Terrorists go to hell.If there was ever a time to own a firearm for defense, it is now.
If there was ever a time to speak out against an affront of civil liberty, it is now. While under the guise of their own safety, people were forcefully ejected from their own home for no crime or even suspicion of crime. These people did nothing wrong but they will be removed from their property by force "for their own safety", as judged by a nameless bureaucrat.They are not given a choice of protecting themselves or their property. It looks similar to the Katrina forced evacuation, except, this time, it is because of one person, not a massive act of nature. The State is giving these people no choice.
Now that the groundwork has been laid and the people of America have allowed this lockdown to happen, we can expect more of these State actions of force in the future. The pictures will be the same, but the reasons will be different and increasingly varied.
The thing that makes it so much worse is that, despite these Draconian measures and after almost 8 hours of martial, they still haven't found the lone suspect!
Welcome the new America!
Keep your powder dry and your firearm close. Safety is an illusion.
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